Meta and other stuff about the books

The Flight of the Heron

The geography of The Flight of the Heron. This article explores the geography of the novel, including photos and more information on the real locations, and analysis and speculation about the fictional locations.

A timeline of events. A timeline of the events of the book, worked out using the various references to dates in the text; also includes an explanation of these references and how I assembled the timeline from them.

D. K. Broster’s use of language. Some analysis of Broster’s use of language in The Flight of the Heron, including contractions, dialogue tags and the use of names in the narration and by the characters.

Mysteries! A couple of intriguing unresolved mysteries about The Flight of the Heron, because this book can still puzzle us after nearly a hundred years.


Some notes on language in Kidnapped. Some analysis of Stevenson’s use of language in Kidnapped, including dialogue tags and the names used in David’s narration and by the characters in dialogue.

How old is David Balfour? Or, an investigation of the textual history of Kidnapped. I noticed some inconsistencies in how old David is supposed to be in the book, and my investigation ended up turning up some interesting stuff about the textual history of Kidnapped and revisions which Stevenson made to it over time.

A timeline of events. A timeline of the events of Kidnapped, along with an explanation of how I worked out the dates.