My fanfic and podfic

For The Flight of the Heron, Kidnapped and other related books.

Fanfic for The Flight of the Heron

My Flight of the Heron fics. This is my most-written-in Jacobite fandom so far, and the stories are organised roughly by topic. They include ‘missing scene’ stories, various sorts of Ewen/Keith slash and some longer plotty fics.

Fanfic for Kidnapped

My Kidnapped fics—for the book and also the play.

Fanfic for other related books

My fics for other books broadly related to Jacobite fandom. Books represented here currently include Flemington by Violet Jacob, The Wounded Name by D. K. Broster and White Cockades by Edward Prime-Stevenson.

Podfic for The Flight of the Heron

My podfic recordings of some of my own and other people’s Flight of the Heron fics.