My fanfiction for Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson; and for the 2023 stage adaptation of that book. While in many ways a faithful adaptation, the style and continuity of the play are sufficiently different from the book to make play fic quite a different thing from book fic, hence they are separated here.
When I am sick and like to die. G, 4,767 words. A night in Balquhidder, and what follows.
And ilka bonny lassie sang. G, 1,311 words. The lass at the Limekilns change-house gives her view of events.
The Apple Box. G, 598 words. David reacts to an innovation of Alan's.
As the Tide Was Flowing. T, 4,329 words. At Shaws, David and Alan go for an outing—which doesn't quite go according to plan.
That Loyalty of Friendship. Being the Adventures of David Balfour, Ewen Cameron and other Notable Persons in and about the Year 1753: How Keith Windham saw a Quarrel made and mended; how Mr Balfour took a bold Step, and suffer’d a great Misfortune, in which there was yet a great Happiness; the History of Alan Breck Stewart and Dr Archibald Cameron, with divers other Jacobites; of Falsehood and Truth in Friendship and Politics; and treating also of Amity and Love between Jacobite and Whig. T, 118,175 words. A crossover with The Flight of the Heron.
In Harmony. G, 896 words. Alan and David avoid a quarrel and make some new musical experiments. This is based on the 2016 BBC Radio adaptation of Kidnapped, which is available to listen to in two parts here and here; however, the story should make sense if you only know the book.
And knowing what to keep. G, 12,134 words. Over many years, the laird of Shaws makes a choice.
It’s not the roar o sea or shore. T, 886 words. Another parting.
‘Lang hae we parted been...’. G, 2,141 words. Davie and Alan, the next day.
False Gold and True Silver; or, An Leannan Sìth. G, 10,931 words. Davie and Alan seek refuge from the pursuing redcoats in what proves to be a very strange place indeed.
A Happy Disguise. T, 1,987 words. With his face on a Wanted poster, Alan—with Davie’s help—contrives a new means to avoid being recognised.
A Vow Like This. G, 7,351 words. Alan and Davie are getting married! There's just one slight snag: the question of a minister for the wedding...
Tusitala. G, 1,431 words. Grieving Louis’s loss, Frances makes one last ‘adjustment’ to Kidnapped.